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Puzzle Scene Card

一張可以由拼圖砌成的立體卡, 把信息寫在卡紙上, 
由收到 > 閱讀 >砌成立體卡, 給收到的人不一樣的體驗。
與其把天上的月亮摘下來, 何不跟他/她一起到月球上遊覽? 

This is a 3D card made of puzzles. Write down your message on the card, and bring a new experience to the receiver from read, build and play. It is an unusual 3D card to encourage people to write more cards to the beloved.

Product Info:

  1. 125*125*10mm

  2. Could transformed to desktop scene decoration or plane puzzle

  3. Made of wood and allow DIY your own color theme “Moon Surface”

  4. Back side of the card could write down message for greetings


  1. 125*125*10mm

  2. 背後為說明書, 可隨意砌成月球主題的桌上擺設卡

  3. 亦可變回平面的砌圖

  4. 產品為無漆木塊, 可自行塗上喜歡的顏色,

  5. 場景卡的背面可填上信息作送人之用


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